Revenue Replacement

I consider each business investment based on concept and revenue.”
Daymond John.

Many CSPs are in an era of reducing revenues as their historic cash-cows such as voice calls (especially STD and IDD calls), text messages and data are becoming increasingly commoditised or replaced by Over The Top (OTT) service offerings. They’re also scrambling to identify revenue replacement mechanisms.

Smart grids, mobile payments, increasing smart-phone usage of mobile data, localised content, 3D printing, M2M (Machine to Machine) traffic, etc. These will definitely help generate revenues, but will they generate enough to replace historic cash-cows?

The OSS vendor that is able to generate a significant revenue replacement mechanism will have customers beating their doors down to purchase their product. This requires a focus on the customers’s customers.

Does your OSS product development team seek out innovative revenue replacement opportunities or do they focus on current customer needs?

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