But do you want to get better?

But do you want to get better?
It seems like a stupid question. Of course we want our organization, our work and our health to improve.
But often, we don’t.
Better means change and change means risk and risk means fear…
There are countless ways to listen, to engage with users, to learn and to improve, but before you or your organization waste time on any of them, first the question must be answered, “do we want to get better?”

Seth Godin
, here.

Interesting perspectives above in Seth’s blog.

The intent is completely true of OSS projects too. If your organisation (if you’re a using an OSS) or your client (if you’re selling/integrating an OSS) isn’t ready* to commit to the change that is about to occur then you have an enormous challenge ahead of you.

* When I say “ready,” I mean that in the context of whether the organisation knows it or not. In the context of Seth’s blog, it means “do you want to get better?” as well as “do you know that you need to get better?”

OSS projects are as much about organisational change management as they are about the delivery of a technology stack. This is the main reason that I created this website and wrote the book, “Mastering your OSS.” I’d seen so many of the same issues arise on projects that I wanted to share OSS change management ideas that covered people, process and technology.

If you have an internal team or a customer that you know is not ready, you might want to get them prepared beforehand to save yourself the waste of time that is otherwise likely to follow.

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