A detailed account of the SolarWinds hack. A must-read story for all OSS/BSS suppliers
OSS solutions hold a privileged place in the operations of communications service providers around the world. They collect logs and events from network devices, security devices, shared services (like Active Directory) and other support systems. With increased automation and orchestration, they also have the power to quickly push controls back into all of those devices […]
Graph Data Summit (Melbourne, 9th May 2023) – A presentation about telco network data modelling
When it comes to telco / OSS / BSS data, I’m a big believer in matching the type of database to the type of data you’re handling. For alarms / events / logs, it’s time-series databases, where KX is a stand-out. For network inventory-based use-cases, graph databases like Neo4j provide some significant advantages. If you’re in Melbourne next […]
The most comprehensive analysis I’ve seen of the OSS / BSS market
I’m delighted to share with you that Houlihan Lokey, a global investment bank, has just launched the most comprehensive market analysis I’ve seen covering connectivity software including OSS / BSS. I’m possibly biased though as I’ve been lucky enough to have played a small part in its direction and content. Most of the reports that I’ve […]
A couple of exciting announcements
We have a couple of exciting announcements to make today. The Transformation Project Framework (TPF) guidebook (GB1011) we’ve been working on with TM Forum has been launched with a pre-production status. That means it has passed peer review and is open for member comments. It’s still a work in progress, but you’ll see the basis […]