Build, Buy, or Blend? The First Step on Your Path to OSS Transformation Success
Are you about to embark on an OSS transformation? It’s a huge journey that awaits. It won’t be without risks and fears either. Like any journey, it all starts with the old cliche of starting with the first step! When helping organisations embarking on their transformation journeys, there’s typically three primary transformation models for you […]
It’s Not the Big That Eat the Small… It’s the Fast That Eat the Slow
The great thing about the holiday period is you often get the chance to step away from business as usual (BAU) activities. As customer projects go into a brief hiatus, it clears a little space in the calendar to read and plan for what to do in the year ahead. This book “It’s Not the […]
Overcoming the OSS buyer-seller chasm: Using a brilliant ad-man’s perspective (chasm series, part 9)
In our “chasm” series of articles, we’ve talked about the gap that exists between OSS buyers (eg carriers or network operators) and OSS sellers (eg vendors, integrators, etc). The buyers desperately want new systems to improve their business operations and the sellers desperately want to sell the solutions they create. Why then the 18 month […]
Okay OSS data, are you dirty or clean? The dishwasher analogy
Have you ever had an OSS or BSS project that’s impacted by poor data quality? The problem of data integrity gets raised on almost every project we get involved with here at PAOSS, especially when passive assets such as cables, splice joints, etc are involved. Our systems face a perennial challenge of poor data quality. […]
Challenger carriers are the high-speed traders of the telco world: How does this manifest in their OSS?
In the last week alone, I’ve had two potent reminders that the world of OSS is simply (pun intended) too complex. This manifests in many ways, but I’ll start with the standards that underpin our industry. The standards bodies do fantastic work. I’m a huge fan. Enormous credit should go out to everyone who has […]
Applying Elon Musk’s “Idiot Index” to OSS
I’ve just finished reading the book, “Elon Musk,” by Walter Isaacson. It’s a fascinating study of a fascinating, and highly polarising engineer. Polarising, but also inspiring (inspiring what to avoid as much as inspiring what one could/should/can do). Musk’s biography cites example after example of his ability to think big, but also think very small […]
The best OSS I built was shut down after 2 years
My “best” OSS build was my first. Unfortunately the client shut it down after just over 2 years. Why? We’ll get to that. What did I learn? We’ll get to that too. I shouldn’t say “my” OSS or “I built” because it was a massive effort from a very special team and I’m not trying […]
Are your OSS RFPs feeling horny baby?
In case you hadn’t already picked up on it, today’s title paraphrases Austin Powers, the flamboyant British spy and comedic character created by Mike Myers. What does a fictional British spy have to do with today’s article on OSS RFPs? It’s a bit of a tenuous link, but let’s give it a go anyway. Did […]
OSS Procurement Events: Buyers do Judge the Book by the Cover
One of the things I love about my job is all the vendor demos I get to see. Product demos are one of the four important steps in the “inverted pyramid” vendor selection process we follow with our carrier and utility clients as we go about finding a best-fit new OSS and/or BSS solution for […]
Applying ‘The 4-Hour Workweek’ to OSS: Lessons I Learned about Market Testing, Prototyping and Automation
Have you read the book, “The 4-hour work week” by Tim Ferris? It was one of those relatively rare books that inspired a complete mindset shift and new ways of working for me. It’s one of the many books that have nothing to do with OSS (at face value), but have so many learnings for […]
What does RAN data have to do with Steve Jobs’ “connect the dots that are unconnectable” speech?
Earlier this week, I was lucky enough to be introduced to a talented RAN automation expert. He’s one of Australia’s foremost, hands-on, experts on SON (Self Organising Networks), so it was a fascinating conversation about network automation and many other things. The discussions inevitably led to RAN data. As much as I’m Passionate About OSS, […]
When it comes to OSS, are you a Tigger or an Eeyore?
I was listening to a group of telco experts on a podcast the other day. As they were talking, I kept picturing the image of Eeyore – you know, the donkey from A.A. Milne’s “Winnie-the-Pooh” stories with an overly pessimistic outlook on life. Sources: The podcast was just soooo gloomy. Channeling Eeyore, I’ll paraphrase: […]
Closing the OSS Buyer / Seller chasm – When the most expensive thing about your OSS product isn’t your price (part 7)
Earlier in the year, we wrote a series of articles about the chasm that exists between OSS/BSS buyers and sellers (pt1, pt2, pt3, pt4, pt5, pt6). “The chasm” is best exemplified by the situation where a buyer (eg carrier) desperately needs a new OSS and a seller (eg a software vendor) desperately wants to sell their OSS to the […]
A question for my OSS developer friends
Actually, maybe a few related questions. As you’ve seen from recent articles such as this, I’m increasingly interested in the cross-over worlds of comms and energy. They’re becoming increasingly linked, largely due to the current energy use of generative AI (I’ve seen estimates that GenAI searches consume around 10x the energy of equivalent traditional searches). […]
A novel OSS/BSS idea? Or is it?
I’d like to share an idea with you. I think it’s a novel idea. However, I’m still trying to work through the possible pros / cons / feasibility of it, so I’d love to hear your thoughts and suggestions. I’d also love to hear whether it actually is novel or whether you’ve seen something similar […]
MacGyvering Your OSS Budget: A Contrarian Approach to Solving an OSS Cost Conundrum
There are many reasons why it’s hard to get an OSS transformation project off the ground. One of those reasons, a big one, is the catch-22 situation that arises when setting the budget for a project. How much does an OSS cost? How long is a piece of string? Some carriers, especially the smaller telcos […]
The Olympians of OSS: Unveiling the key attributes of our most elite OSSletes
Athletes from around the globe will soon be descending on Paris to compete for Olympic medals in a multitude of events. Olympic champions will be determined through a variety of performance attributes – skill, strength, endurance, speed and much more – with different attributes required for any given event. That made me wonder – What […]
From Telco to HellCo to HellNoCo
Late last week we published an article, “From Telco to HellCo: I’m the CEO of a large telco. I want to destroy it as fast as I can.” Based on all the feedback, you could say that it seemed to resonate! Using Charlie Munger’s Inversion Technique, we suggested 21 ways to kill off a large […]
From Telco to Hellco: I’m the CEO of a large telco. I want to destroy it as fast as I can
Many of the telco industry’s fittest and finest have just returned from a week in Copenhagen at TM Forum’s flagship event, DTW24. Iain Morris of Light Reading suggests in an article that Copenhagen is an apt location for the event because many industry representatives are “in little mermaid land.” The tone of his article is […]
How to plan the resources and budget needed for an OSS transformation project
OSS Transformation Resourcing Questions Have you ever had to wrestle with the conundrum of organisational change when embarking on a major OSS transformation? How many people will I need? What tasks will they do? What skills will they require? Who are the best people to get involved in the transformation? How much budget needs to […]