When it comes to telco / OSS / BSS data, I’m a big believer in matching the type of database to the type of data you’re handling.
For alarms / events / logs, it’s time-series databases, where KX is a stand-out.
For network inventory-based use-cases, graph databases like Neo4j provide some significant advantages.
If you’re in Melbourne next Tuesday (9th of May, 2023), I’d like to invite you to attend the Graph Summit – https://neo4j.com/graphsummit/melbourne/
I’ll be giving a short talk about the keys to modelling complex telco network data. I’ll be joined on stage by Peter Dart, who will talk in more detail about how he’s used Neo4j and its Graph Data Science libraries to assist with automated network design and path finding over network inventory data.
Let us know if you’re going. We look forward to speaking with you there.