About “The Blue Book OSS/BSS Vendor Directory” from Passionate About OSS

Finding the best OSS/BSS tools for your needs was like finding a needle in a haystack

Every network operator has a unique set of needs from their operational software – software that includes OSS (Operational Support Systems), BSS (Business Support Systems), NMS (Network Management Systems) and the many other related tools.

To service those many and varied needs, a large number of different products have been created by some very clever developers. But it’s a highly fragmented market. There are literally hundreds of product options out there and they all have different capabilities.

If you’re a typical buyer,

how many of those products are you familiar with? Five? Ten? Fifty? How do you know whether the best-fit product or supplier is within the list you already know? Perhaps the best-fit is actually amongst the hundreds of other products and suppliers you’re not familiar with yet. How much time do you have to research each one and distill down to a short-list of possible candidates to service your specific needs? Where do you start? Lots of web searches? There has to be an easier way.

What if you’re a seller?

These products tend to have lengthy life-cycles once they’ve been installed so it might be years before a prospect actually enters the buying phase. Yet there are so many prospects out there at different phases of their buying windows. There are bound to be some live ones at any time that suit your capabilities. The challenge for you as a supplier is how to make those prospects aware of you. You don’t have the time to establish trusted relationships with hundreds, perhaps even thousands, of buyers across the globe (or maybe just within your region/s). Wouldn’t you love to be presented with qualified prospects who are in (or nearing) their buying window?

Well we at Passionate About OSS have created The Blue Book OSS/BSS Vendor Directory to simplify the task of bringing buyers and sellers together. With over 400 suppliers listed (and climbing), we provide a single, comprehensive repository for searching, matching and connecting. The tools allow you to do it yourself, or we can help you using the approaches we’ve developed, used and refined over the years.

Now just click on “Directory” to start your journey of searching, matching and connecting (and updating your listing if you’re a supplier).

Need additional help finding the best OSS/BSS tools for your specific needs?

If you’d prefer to have someone assist you on the journey of finding the best-fit solution for your needs, click on this link that shows how we help with:

Preparing a list of vendors for further evaluation:

LONG-LIST – where we filter by the functional category you nominate, which usually identifies a list of ~20-50 applicable vendors [US$397]

SHORT-LIST – where we collaborate with you to apply a set of filter questions that are specifically customised to your needs (eg functionality required, support needed, areas of operation, types of network under management, ball-park budget, etc). These questions aim to differentiate and typically produce a short-list of 3-5 best-fit vendors. We also validate these responses with vendors and can provide introductions between buyer and seller. [US$2,497]


We can also collaborate with you to identify a more thorough analysis approach and identify the best-fit solution/s for you


This information contained in this directory may be changed at any time, either by PAOSS or contributing third-party vendors.
The information is provided “as is” without any warranty, express or implied. Nor are any warranties suggested relating to fitness for any particular purposes.
The information contained herein is intended for general guidance only. It is not intended to be a substitute for detailed analysis or professional judgement.