OSS/BSS Use-Cases

Are you wondering who uses OSS/BSS tools and what types of activities they perform with these tools?

Download this spreadsheet for a starter list (yes, it’s just a starter list, but contains over 70 personas and nearly 700 use-cases, which goes to show just how comprehensive OSS/BSS solutions really are).

If you’d like a more comprehensive list for your specific product, client, etc, leave us a note and we’d be delighted to discuss with you further.


Persona & Use-Cases List Thumbnail



This spreadsheet provides you with a list of:

  1. Over 70 different users types / personas / roles that interact with OSS and BSS solutions
  2. Nearly 700 use-cases performed by those personas using OSS and BSS solutions


These lists will provide you with a high-level (but not exhaustive) list of use-cases as they relate to the many types of people who interact with OSS/BSS solutions.


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