The Most Exciting OSS/BSS Innovations of 2022 (eBook)

In this report, you’ll find 25 solutions that are unleashing bold ideas to empower change and solve problems old and new. We’re thrilled to present these solutions in the hope that they’ll excite and inspire you like they have us.




We are currently living through a revolution for the OSS/BSS industry and the customers that we serve.

It’s not a question of if we need to innovate, but by how much and in what ways.

Change is surrounding us and impacting us in profound ways, triggered by new technologies, business models, design & delivery techniques, customer expectations and so much more.

Our why, the fundamental reasons for OSS and BSS to exist, is relatively unchanged in decades. We’ve advanced so far, yet we are a long way from perfecting the tools and techniques required to operationalise service provider networks.

In people like you, we have an incredibly smart group of experts tackling this challenge every day, seeking new ways to unlock the many problems that OSS and BSS aim to resolve.

In this report, you’ll find 25 solutions that are unleashing bold ideas to empower change and solve problems old and new.

We’re thrilled to present these solutions in the hope that they’ll excite and inspire you like they have us.

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