OSS to enable network aggregation

The Value Fabric: A guide to doing business in the digital world begins by addressing the questions, “How are multi-party, multi-industry business models represented in today’s digital world?” and “How should business be conducted in the digital world?”
John Reilly
in the first paragraph of his new book, “The Value Fabric: A guide to doing business in the digital world.”

John has been kind enough to share a copy of his latest book, as well as contributing to an exciting new eBook that PAOSS is about to launch that shines a light on some of our industry’s great thinkers. But we’ll get to that in another blog shortly.

Today, I’d like to discuss a service model that is evolving to provide links to disparate cloud services, that of network aggregation. John’s value fabric model supports this concept of networks that have global reach and multiple collaborating partners. We’re likely to witness the rise of network sharing across carriers, but also aggregation services that allow customers to benefit from price arbitrage to reduce their network costs.

Some countries still have regulated / monopolised telco services, so they have to be part of a fabric that requires networks into those countries. But most countries are now supported by multiple service provider options. Organisations that push lots of ones and zeroes to all parts of the globe are going to get excited about the opportunity of network arbitrage to support their distributed cloud services. To paraphrase John, a new way of conducting business in the digital world.

Can you also see an opportunity for a new style of OSS / BSS here?

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