Another 10 ideas

In yesterday’s post, “Just 10 ideas“, I talked about James Altucher’s “Idea Machine,” of coming up with 10 ideas every day, regardless of whether they’re good or not. I took a slightly different twist on the concept and posed a series of 10 questions, which in turn will probably have at least 10 idea responses. That’s 100 OSS ideas.

Today’s post lists another 10 questions to jump-start your (and my) idea machine, as follows:

  1. What are the 10 reasons why the term OSS will be irrelevant / redundant within 5 years?
  2. What are the 10 reasons why OSS will fundamentally change the world of communications and digital industry within the next 5 years?
  3. In what 10 ways can OSS better utilise spatially-relevant data?
  4. What 10 unexpected data sources could provide fundamentally different insight generation from your existing OSS?
  5. Communications and Digital Service Provider (CSP / DSP) business models are evolving almost faster than we can keep up. What 10 reasons can your foresee OSS facilitating these changes?
  6. What 10 reasons can you foresee OSS hindering these changes?
  7. What are the 10 most frequent reasons why customers contact CSP / DSP call centres? Hence, what are the 10 most important functions / insights / capabilities that front-line staff (eg call centre operators) need at their fingertips from OSS to be able to respond to customer requests?
  8. What 10 ways can you interact with your OSS that don’t include keyboard, mouse or touch-pad?
  9. What are the 10 most ridiculous things you’ve seen whilst working on OSS projects? But more importantly, what did you learn from them?
  10. What should be the first 10 events scheduled at an OSS Olympics?

Tomorrow’s blog will have a closer look at the last one – OSS Olympics.

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