“You can’t trust the old style of thinking anymore. You have to come up with a new way of thinking. A new way of having ideas. A new way of interacting with the outside universe.”
James Altucher.
I’m currently reading James Altucher’s latest book. It has nothing to do with OSS but it has a myriad of ideas to ponder for OSS exponents.
He speaks about ideas being currency in the modern world and hence the need to be an idea machine.
l love the concept. It’s part of the reason why l founded PAOSS – to force me to generate more ideas about OSS and share them with the world (or at least the sub-set of the global population that reads PAOSS).
There’s just one problem. James suggests coming up with 10 ideas every day. Sounds like a challenge worth taking on though.
I’d love to get your assistance on this one, to help provide a little push to get the PAOSS idea machine moving faster.
- What are the 10 biggest problems you face or our industry faces?
- What are the 10 things that you’d like to get better at?
- Our thinking is often constrained by the complexity of the challenges, so which 10 complexities would you like to snap your fingers and remove?
- Which 10 nascent technologies will impact OSS in the future?
- Which 10 technologies will be dead in 5 years or less?
- Which 10 technologies do we need that haven’t been invented yet?
- Name 10 ways in which machine learning will impact our industry
- Which 10 ways can we use to overcome the OSS skills shortage?
- Which 10 laws of nature don’t apply to OSS?
- Which 10 analogies from other industries can you apply to OSS?
Perhaps you’d like to throw some other lists of 10 at the PAOSS community and I for philosophising over?
Hmmm. I already have another 10 in a list so let’s continue with this tomorrow.