Using OSS/BSS to steer the ship

For network operators, our OSS and BSS touch most parts of the business. The network, and the services they carry, are core business so a majority of business units will be contributing to that core business. As such, our OSS and BSS provide many of the metrics used by those business units.

This is a privileged position to be in. We get to see what indicators are most important to the business, as well as the levers used to control those indicators. From this privileged position, we also get to see the aggregated impact of all these KPIs.

In your years of working on OSS / BSS, how many times have you seen key business indicators that are conflicting between business units? They generally become more apparent on cross-team projects where the objectives of one internal team directly conflict with the objectives of another internal team/s.

In theory, a KPI tree can be used to improve consistency and ensure all business units are pulling towards a common objective… [but what if, like most organisations, there are many objectives? Does that mean you have a KPI forest and the trees end up fighting for light?]

But here’s a thought… Have you ever seen an OSS/BSS suite with the ability to easily build KPI trees? I haven’t. I’ve seen thousands of standalone reports containing myriad indicators, but never a consolidated roll-up of metrics. I have seen a few products that show operational metrics rolled-up into a single dashboard, but not business metrics. They appear to have been designed to show an information hierarchy, but not necessarily with KPI trees in mind specifically.

What do you think? Does it make sense for us to offer KPI trees as base product functionality from our reporting modules? Would this functionality help our OSS/BSS add more value back into the businesses we support?

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