Analytics – 20 revenue generating ideas

A person who is gifted sees the essential point and leaves the rest as surplus.”
Thomas Carlyle

In recent times, I’ve spoken of the benefits of using analytics on OSS data. Afterall, OSS exist to store data and make some connections between data. However, there are many other valuable connections just waiting to be made from data inside and outside your OSS.

For something a bit different, in today’s post I’ll brainstorm a few ideas about how analytics can generate extra revenues for CSPs, as follows:

  1. Identify the companies that are within 250m of an existing cable routes / joints (this provides your sales teams with a list of customers who they can turn services on to relatively quickly and cheaply)
  2. Identify performance degradation patterns prior to events (so that preventative maintenance can be performed when those performance deteriorations appear), which leads to an improved customer experience and less churn
  3. Aggregating anonymised data to identify previously un-linked trends in usage and other customer events (to optimise service offerings and perhaps even identify new ones)
  4. Using call records and service level data to create targeted promotions for the customers who are perceived to be the most valuable
  5. Using call records and customer impact events along with location intelligence to identify common blackspots in the mobile telephony network (and in doing so, increasing usage
  6. Combining customer impact, usage patterns, open trouble tickets and any number of other data sets to customer help-line staff to help them appease the customer (leading to an improved customer experience and less churn, with a possible up-sell opportunity)
  7. Using public data (ie social media, news media) combined with outage data or key performance trigger events to allow immediate response to potentially revenue-sapping events
  8. Combining service records with inventory records and billing records to identify services that haven’t been being billed for
  9. Leveraging M2M sensors in any number of ways to register customer intelligence and market share
  10. Using marketing data sets (ie market segments, historical promotion responses, demographics, etc) to provide customised services or promotions in certain areas in certain times of year (eg sporting events, political elections, public holidays, concerts, etc)
  11. Using public event data to plan additional mobile base station capacity to reduce network saturation in a given area
  12. Using deep packet inspection to identify application level trends in certain areas and demographics to provide area-based customisation of promotions
  13. Use packet prioritisation data to identify saturation areas and provide real-time traffic engineering to ensure more traffic remains billable
  14. Developing per customer, per service or per region baseline levels so that real-time fraud detection patterns can be identified that aren’t picked up by your other fraud-detection tools
  15. Packaging anonymised data sets for sale to third-parties or governments
  16. Using customer usage records, billing patterns, public data and other mechanisms to identify patterns of users that are likely to churn
  17. Marrying unused capacity with novel services to take up that capacity in real-time at fractional rates
  18. Using location-intelligence from the rate of movement of mobile handsets across a broad set of user groups to sell to third-party provider groups (eg traffic-jams)
  19. Monitoring performance data, routine maintenance rates and third-party end-of-support updates to develop better supply-chain planning and reduced inventory (ie better use of working capital)
  20. Comparing designs (and designers) with truck-roll counts on given jobs to identify patterns of inefficiency that don’t allow revenues to be turned on as quickly as might be possible

These are just the tip of the iceberg. What other ideas do you have to use OSS data to generate increased revenues?

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