Are we passing right past the importance of thinking?

Are we spawning a maelstrom, the butterfly effect from all of our doing?

Yesterday’s post pondered the question of whether we’re getting entangled in our frenzy for doing.

I’ve been privileged to have worked in a dozen countries or more and even more privileged to be an Australian. Less proud am I though of the way of working that seems to pervade our corporate icons. I’ve worked within the halls of the largest telcos, banks and enterprises in Australia as well as their counterparts internationally. In my experience, the Australian versions don’t tend to compare well when it comes to efficacy. Why?

For a start, every organisation in this category that I’ve worked with automatically supplies a case-load of meetings (I sadly admit to being partly to blame as a meeting initiator) upon joining. Wall-to-wall meetings allows lots of talking, lots of posturing, but little remainder for doing. And with all this focus on doing (see yesterday’s post, link above), the little time left has to be “seen to be doing.”

Is there any time left over for thinking? Or helping?

If yesterday’s post is indeed true, that we’re creating a spaghetti of complexity in our frenzy of doing, are we passing right past the importance of thinking?

When was the last time you spent half a day (or even half an hour) in a quiet corner of your workplace thinking about how to make a workable OSS solution simpler, more elegant, more intuitive? Or trying to resolve the organisation’s most challenging challenges?

Does your corporate culture allow this to happen? During work hours?? Even if it did, would the culture allow it to be ripped to pieces in intellectual arm wrestling or democratic reasoning thereafter?

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