Are your interfaces truly enabled?

“Research is formalized curiosity. It is poking and prying with a purpose.”
Zora Neale Hurston

I once worked on an OctopOSS project where a previous consultant had performed an audit on the wide variety of network equipment in a carrier’s network. He had identified the interfaces that were available on these devices and had prepared a list of each. The OSS vendor was making good progress, having reached the stage of interfacing their software to the network.

Unfortunately we were soon to realise that the consultant’s “availability” audit had not included an audit of the actual interface agents. His audit actually represented a paper-based “capability” study rather than “availability” audit. Each of the devices were capable of being interfaced to, but the didn’t have the agents installed, activated or the interface documentation / libraries weren’t available. After hurriedly contacting each of the product vendors, the bill for making the interfaces available was in the vicinity of US$4M. The project was halted indefinitely.

The moral of the story is to complete a thorough audit of your network interfaces to ensure that your OctopOSS can communicate with it. (Refer to the interface audit checklist tool)

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