AI is going to destroy (some) OSS architects and consultants. Does Good Will Hunting provide an antidote?
It seems fairly obvious (to me at least) that AI is an existential threat to many traditional information-based roles like consultants and architects. I’ve already seen one wave of this happen, so the next seems inevitable too. When I first entered the field of IT and telco consulting back in 2000, our clients engaged us […]
Can OSS manage comms networks, data centres and renewable energy sources?
Have you noticed that just a few people are writing about AI lately? No? None? Never seen an article about AI? Almost every article I read these days has strong undertones (or overtones) about AI. It’s almost as impossible to miss as when Sam Altman was abruptly ousted from his position by OpenAI’s board of […]
What will you do if the telco industry dies?
Christel Heydemann, Orange’s CEO, brought to our attention at MWC 2023 that a survey of European telcos indicated that almost half of the polled CEOs do not expect their businesses to make it through another decade. That’s a pretty scary thing to think about if you’ve built your career around the telco industry and don’t […]
The one person, two day, OSS challenge
For all of the OSS and BSS vendors out there, I’d like to issue you a challenge. Can one person who’s not yet familiar with your solution (but has pre-requisite skills) set up your OSS / BSS product and demonstrate your product’s most essential use-cases with their own data / configurations and then demo to […]
The most addictive drug in OSS
I’ve spent the last 22-ish years working on OSS and even longer on telco projects. Most of that time has involved way more than the typical 40 hour work week (often more than double). But the amazing thing is that it’s (almost) never felt like it. Time has almost always seemed to fly by so […]
OSS Sandpit – Radio Planning Exercise
Wireless or radio technologies are making waves (sorry for the awful pun) at the moment. The telco world is abuzz with the changes being brought about by 5G, IoT, LEO satellite and other related tech. They all rely on radio frequency (RF) to carry their all-important communications information. This article provides an example of preparing […]
What is the best OSS?
We’re often asked, “what’s the best OSS / BSS?” One of the biggest challenges for OSS buyers is the huge amount of choice available. There are well over 500 listings in our Blue Book OSS / BSS Vendor Directory, so buyers are spoilt for choice. The problem is there is usually too much choice, with […]
OSS Sandpit – Power, Supervisory and Comms Networks combined in our Inventory Prototype
This article provides a tutorial for building a Power network with corresponding SCADA and comms network into the inventory module of our Personal OSS Sandpit Project. This prototype includes components such as: Power Network including: Wind Turbines (WT) Solar Panels Transformers Circuit Breakers (CB) Substations (Generation, Transmission and Distribution) Transmission Towers Power Poles Smart Meters / AMI […]
OSS Sandpit – Telco Cloud / DC Inventory Prototype
This article provides a tutorial for building Telco Cloud / Data Centre components into the inventory module of our Personal OSS Sandpit Project. This prototype has been a bit of a beast to build and includes components such as: Hosting Services including: IaaS (VMs, storage, network – FlexPod) PaaS (ONTAP-AI a hosted AI solution, hosted voice) SaaS […]
OSS Sandpit – GPON Network Inventory Prototype
This article provides a tutorial for building GPON (Gigabit Passive Optical Network) components into the inventory module of our Personal OSS Sandpit Project. It’s also a model for FTTH / FTTP (Fibre to the Home, Fibre to the Premises) as well. This prototype build includes components such as: Passive Optical Network (cables, patch panels, splices, splitters, containment, […]
OSS Sandpit – Fixed Wireless Network Inventory Prototype
This article provides a tutorial for building Fixed Wireless (FW) Network components into the inventory module of our Personal OSS Sandpit Project. This prototype build includes components such as: A fixed wireless core network Radio Links across licensed and unlicensed (5 GHz and 24GHz) Line of Sight analysis of each Radio Link and Viewshed Fibre links (including […]
OSS Sandpit – Smart City / IoT Network Inventory Prototype
This article provides an example of building Smart City and IoT (Internet of Things) Network components into the inventory module of our Personal OSS Sandpit Project. This prototype build includes components such as: A Command and Control Centre (CCC) Satellite Earth Stations Smart Buildings including: Compute / Hosting (VxBlocks) Comms (incl Unified Comms and In-Building Coverage) Security […]
OSS Sandpit – Satellite Network Inventory Prototype
This article provides an example of building Satellite Network components into the inventory module of our Personal OSS Sandpit Project. This prototype build includes components such as: A Satellite Earth Stations Satellite Aggregation Site Beams (including Beam to Earth Station mappings) Customer services Satellite Dishes Satellite Receivers (ODU / IDU) Satellite Modems Leased Lines (backhaul) Our prototype […]
OSS Information Overload, Underload
Our OSS/BSS collect a lot of information. But how much of it is used and in what ways? How do the users find the information they need to make decisions? In some cases, our OSS completely overload the user with information. An example might be in performance metrics. Our network might have hundreds of nodes […]
OSS Sandpit – 5G Network Inventory Prototype
5G networks seem to be the big investment trend in telco at the moment. It comes with a lot of tech innovation such as network slicing and an increased use of virtualised network functions (VNFs). This article provides an example of building 5G Network components into the inventory module of our Personal OSS Sandpit Project. […]
OSS Sandpit – Resource / Inventory Module
This article provides a description of the inventory baseline, one module of our Personal OSS Sandpit Project. As outlined in the diagram below, this incorporates the Inventory solution (by Kuwaiba), the graph database that underpins it as well as its APIs and data query tools. The greyed out sections are to be described in separate […]
Building a Personal OSS Sandpit
Being Passionate About OSS, I’ve used this blog / site to share this passion with the OSS community. The aim is to evangelise and make operational support tools even more impactful than they already are. But there’s a big stumbling block – the barrier to entry into the OSS industry is huge. The barrier manifests […]