Digital strategist or traditional OSS?

While customer focus is a high priority, nearly half of the CIOs in our survey–47 percent–have difficulty getting their IT staff to be more business-oriented and customer-facing.”
, in their report, “State of the CIO 2014: The Great Schism.”

In’s 13th annual survey, 25% of CIOs (Chief Information Officers) were perceived as “game-changers that can create and launch new products and open new markets.” Conversely, there were 48% that were seen as running a cost centre and service provider. The game-changing 25% controlled much larger budgets and had more influence on the direction of their organisations.

I believe this is mirrored by OSS. The OSS business units that have traditionally been seen as cost centres and services will have less influence and lower budgets. The OSS business units that are providing organisations with cross-domain insights of great value will prosper by delivering business innovation into an age of increasing digital disruption.

The decision is yours as to whether your OSS will simply service internal operational needs (ie a cost centre), or you add broader value to your organisation through the insightful data that you accrue and interpret (ie a game-changer).

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