Over the last year, I’ve been assisting a consortium that includes a number of iconic brands such as Intel, RedHat, Fortinet, Keysight and TechMahindra. More importantly, those elements are underpinned by a powerful closed-loop engine formed by EnterpriseWeb and KX that stands up, observes and optimises a 5G RAN testbed.
You can view the test-bed in action here – https://networkbuilders.intel.com/university/webcasts/extreme-automation-at-the-network-edge
As you’ll see in the video above, this test-bed is quite revolutionary in its own right, having an ability to rapidly stand up network infrastructure, services and connectivity. It’s ability to also create closed-loop optimisations is even more impressive (it’s effectively a multi-domain, multi-vendor SON). But even that’s not the part of a new demo (see below) that blew me away last week.
What did blow me away? The team has enhanced the EnterpriseWeb / KX core engine to integrate with OpenAI’s large language model (LLM) to:
- Accept your voice commands
- Determine your intended change
- Determine the detailed actions that need to be performed
- Request your go-ahead before proceeding
- Then instantiate those changes in seconds.
It’s intent-based automation that uses Generative AI to translate voice requests of “what” to do into the “how” to implement.
What does that mean?
- It means you can ask the solution, using your own natural language, to stand up a new node (which consists of dozens of services, configurations and connections) and it will do it.
- You can also ask it to optimise the network for performance, power reduction, etc and it will initiate closed-loop automations to continually optimise the network as it evolves in near real-time.
- You can ask it to change capacity allocations or other configuration changes and it will do that too.
In addition to the OpenAI integration, it also has an integration to an AI co-pilot platform (Microsoft PowerApps stubs) that will allow you to build your own applications and user-interfaces on top of it. Can you imagine the possibilities that this provides?
The EnterpriseWeb team has created the video below – with a preamble about what is to be demonstrated and then the demo itself beginning at 11:46 (link direct to demo section of the video).
Some of you might be wondering what the ramifications are for these capabilities and why I believe it’s so important. Well, this very human method of interface shows the first steps towards entirely new ways of managing our networks, infrastructure and services.
One of the most exciting elements of the ChatGPT juggernaut is not just the intuitive, human-centric interaction but the ability to iterate. Today, NOC operators use iterative processes to diagnose and restore network / service health. They often do so with many manual steps such as running tests, re-routing traffic, applying configuration changes, raising / flicking tickets for fieldworkers, etc. These tasks can be time-consuming, technical and difficult to train front-line workers to do. This is a big problem for telco business units that have high staff turnover.
The demonstration by EnterpriseWeb above has shown that we can now completely reconsider the user interfaces and language used to operate and optimise our networks. We can readily incorporate machine co-pilots to do much of the mundane or precision activities (such as running tests or optimising network and service performance in near real-time) at our command, allowing us to instead play the role of conductor of the orchestra..
It was a demonstration that proved we can use natural language to issue commands of intent (I want to mow the lawn – the what), rather than a transaction-by-transaction basis (I want you to cut this blade of grass, and that one and the million other blades of different grass types that my lawn is comprised of – the how).
If you’d like to read more about the demo, you can check out this article – https://www.einpresswire.com/article/631034600/enterpriseweb-premieres-the-first-telco-grade-demo-of-generative-ai-for-network-service-orchestration
If you’re currently considering or implementing R&D initiatives such as:
- How to achieve autonomous networking across your new and legacy networks, or
- Zero-touch network assurance (ZTNA), or
- Design / capacity automation, or
- Multi-domain self-organising / optimising networks (SON), or
- Other similar next-generation projects
…then you definitely need to have a closer look at this demo.
Want to set this up as a Proof of Concept (POC) with your R&D teams to plot a path to your network operations of the future? Drop me a note and I’ll connect you.