“With the multivendor CSP environment of today, it’s a blame game if there is something going on with the network. Just imagine throwing a lot more vendors and solutions into the mix. Unlike what we have today, an NFV proposed solution can have the VNF from one vendor and hardware from another. On top of that, there will be multiple options for the OpenStack distribution and hypervisors. All this is to replace a solution where at least one vendor provided the software, the hardware and the management for any network function.”
Nabeel Asim, here on SDN Central.
In an earlier post named, “Complex management of virtualised networks,” I described the extra components that need to be coordinated somewhere in the management stack of a virtualised network (eg SDN/NFV). The extra layers in the stack represent not just extra demarcation points, but as Nabeel Asim’s quote highlights above, these divides are likely to span different vendors / providers rather than simply layer boundaries across a single vendor. This does raise the vendor blame game risk.
Even if a network problem is being resolved at only level 2 or perhaps 3 (ie no vendor involvement yet), then there is an increased chance of demarcation issues between a CSP’s internal business units, because there is a greater likelihood of spanning between IT infrastructure, application development and network-style groups than before.
This is one of the reasons why the use of Pre-cognitive analytics to determine root-cause will be increasingly important in virtualised network environments.