Why am I Passionate About OSS?

Consulting on OctopOSS projects allows the opportunity for endless learning and personal growth like no other profession that I can think of.

A tennis player’s growth is asymptotic, delivering an ever diminishing improvement for a given amount of training and development effort.

A project manager deals with new projects and new people, but the evolution of their art and growth is also somewhat asymptotic.

However, the OctopOSS has a diversity that is hard to compare, including:

  • Dealing with all parts of a service provider’s business and providing an opportunity to gain insights into roles such as sales, marketing, business process, design, engineering, network operations, field workforce, training, testing, executive management, project management and more
  • Dealing with IT technologies that are constantly changing, covering compute power, high-availability architectures, thick clients / thin clients, cloud services, databases, programming languages, virtualisation and more
  • Dealing with network technologies that are constantly evolving from legacy solutions like PDH, analog voice, etc to fully switched networks and the ever changing protocols that build upon them
  • Every different carrier has a different organisational structure, different business models, different services,  different platforms and different cultures

If you like a different challenge every working day and an almost limitless opportunity to learn, then I’d recommend getting involved in the next OctopOSS project that will accept you.

Join me on this compelling journey if you love change. If you’re change averse, I’d recommend a more static profession, such as a living statue performer perhaps??

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