A deeper level of OSS connection,

Yesterday we talked about the cuckoo-bird analogy and how it was preventing telcos from building more valuable platforms on top of their capital-intensive network platforms. Thanks to Dean Bubley, it gave examples of how the most successful platform plays were platforms on platforms (eg Microsoft Office on Windows, iTunes on iOS, phones on physical networks, etc).

The telcos have found it difficult to build the second layer of platform on their data networks during the Internet age to keep the cuckoo chicks out of the nest.

Telcos are great at helping customers to make connections. OSS are great at establishing and maintaining those connections. But there’s a deeper level of connection waiting for us to support – helping the telcos’ customers to make valuable connections that they wouldn’t otherwise be able to make by themselves.

In the past, telcos provided yellow pages directories to help along these lines. The internet and social media have marginalised the value of this telco-owned asset in recent years.

But the telcos still own massive subscriber bases (within our OSS / BSS suites). How can our OSS / BSS facilitate a deeper level of connection, providing the telcos’ customers with valuable connections that they would not have otherwise made?

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