“Augmented Reality (AR) represents a live, direct or indirect, view of a physical, real-world environment whose elements are augmented by computer-generated sensory input, that enrich the user’s perception of the real world.”
Smart-phones have already generated significant changes in the way we work and play. OSS tools are starting to be developed that harness the power of these personal computing devices. A rudimentary example includes the ability for your field work force to get information about their next job. A more advanced example is the use of smart phones to create red-line markups on electronic design drawings and then deliver them back to the designers in head office who make relevant changes, updating the designs to as-built status.
But the next exciting step will be to use the augmented reality capabilities of smart-phones to enhance the field work-force experience. GPS (Global Positioning Systems), cameras and other in-built smartphone sensors have the ability to cross-reference spatially relevant information from the OSS and augment the real-life situation that the field work force are experiencing.
Since I’m in the early stages of development of a couple of related concepts I won’t share any possible examples with you (yet) 🙂
I’m sure you’ll have dozens of ideas of your own.
BTW. Augmented Reality isn’t just restricted to smart-phones, so I’ll explore other AR opportunities in future blog posts.