Burning out

Information overload is happening at all career levels. Companies restructure, and current staff absorb additional responsibilities, requiring new skills to be learned. Technology changes, and new systems, tools and processes need to be mastered. Markets change, and new strategies or client prospects or industry sectors need to be researched. To be successful in today’s times you need to master not only the skills relevant to your own job, but also the skills of learning , adapting to change quickly, and sustainably dealing with change without burning out.”
Caroline Ceniza-Levine

Sounds like a day in the life of OSS doesn’t it?

I’m a huge fan of AFL. The game, like OSS, is getting increasingly sophisticated, faster and strategic. Despite this, there’s almost not a week that goes by without one of the top-Line coaches stating that it’s really a simple game. The truth of the matter is that it is not a simple game but the best coaches have a way of simplifying the objectives so that their players can function well within the chaos.

They train and strategise for the complexity but simplify the game-day messaging to players down to only 2-3 key indicators and themes [at least that’s what the coaches say in interviews, but I wouldn’t know for sure having not been a professional footballer].

On any given day on most of the OSS projects I’ve worked on, there is more chaos than clarity. A chaos of technologies, meetings, deadlines, deliverables, processes, designs, checklists, etc.

How often do we stop to run a pre-mortem before death by complexity has occurred?

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