“One of the messages at the keynote included the fact that successful busineses now have a ratio of 4:1 in the marketing and sales. This means that to maximize company growth and sales, successful companies engage about four marketing specialists to one sales person. The traditional role of the Business Development Manager or Sales Manager is a dying role that needs to be redefined or possible redesigned.
Just a few years ago, the ratio was 1:4 meaning one marketing person to four sales people. Obvious this ratio has now dramatically reversed, and the ripple effects will be experienced by job seekers and the unemployed.”
Kelvin Davis.
In yesterday’s blog, we discussed how we’ve seen a dramatic shift recently from scarcity to abundance in our industry (and many other industries) in recent times. The ratio flip discussed by Kelvin Davis above is a by-product of this dynamic.
This ratio flip is actually a great thing for the world of OSS… if we leverage it in the right way. OSS always had a role to play in the sales process in sale / bid preparation, order taking, sales support, etc but it has a much bigger potential role in marketing.
The ocean of stats that our OSS gather and process can be a key component of a marketer’s toolkit in identifying, measuring and refining the opportunity niches that they can build campaigns around.
Combine this with the shift towards the CMO having a greater IT budget than the CIO and we have a great opportunity to enhance what our OSS can deliver don’t we?
Just one more thing – CSP’s customers are also now looking to do more targeted marketing as a way of winning more business. Do you think we could provide those customers with real-time data to help them with their marketing initiatives too? OSS can now enhance our customer’s customer’s marketing drives in a much greater way than we could impact their sales drives in the past.