Gartner’s magic quadrant for OSS for 2014 can be downloaded from this link on
Hat tips to James at for alerting us to this link.
Gartner’s magic quadrant for OSS for 2014 can be downloaded from this link on
Hat tips to James at for alerting us to this link.
Are you about to embark on an OSS transformation? It’s a huge journey that awaits. It won’t be without risks and fears either. Like any
We recently discussed how the “Ultimate Game,” a study in behavioural psychology, might help to explain why there tends to be less initial animosity between
The great thing about the holiday period is you often get the chance to step away from business as usual (BAU) activities. As customer projects
Last year, we published a series of articles about the chasm that exists between OSS/BSS buyers and sellers. “The chasm” is best exemplified by the
Here at Passionate About OSS, we are exactly that – Passionate About OSS (Operational Support Systems). We’re also passionate about BSS, NMS, or any other names you call the tools that help to operationalise your network.