Just remarkable

A company that has always done a great job of storytelling on its blog is General Electric. It’s a multibillion-dollar, multinational company, but it has always done a masterful job of creating an emotional connection to its products, services, and history through stories.
In 2010, the company invited its scientist customers from around the world to submit the most beautiful medical photos they had taken with GE scanning electron microscopes. You know—those awesome close-up pictures you love in National Geographic. Then, they invited the customers with the winning entries to New York City but didn’t tell them why.
They gathered the scientists as darkness fell upon Times Square and told them to “look up.” GE had created a music video of the scientists’ photos, and it was now playing on a gigantic screen above their heads. The GE team had the cameras rolling to capture the tears running down the faces of its astounded customers!”

Mark W. Schaefer and Stanford A. Smith
in their book, “Born to Blog: Building Your Blog for Personal and Business Success One Post at a Time.

I love this story. Remarkable. Imaginative. Artistic. Here’s a link to past winners of the annual event.

What sort of competition or remarkable act/s do any of the organisations in the OSS world do to create a stir? To heighten a sense of community?

What sort of art have you been able to create with your OSS?

It’s by no means the work of art like those shown in the winner’s gallery above, but here’s a couple of screen-shots of a circuit and network diagram that I’d built and thought was pretty cool at the time (mid-2000s) [Yes, sad I know!]

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