Orange Luxembourg contracts Comarch

Orange Luxembourg contracts Comarch for complete BSS overhaul.

Comarch, announced that Orange Luxembourg selected Comarch BSS products to improve billing and customer management processes.

The solution covers Orange mobile prepaid and postpaid services (voice and data), the “Orange Love” offer (internet, TV, VoIP, and mobile) as well as cloud and third party services in Luxembourg. These will be offered, charged, billed and managed using an array of Comarch BSS modules including Convergent Charging Billing & Revenue Management, Voucher Management, CRM, Self-Care, Product Catalog, Order Management, and Application Integration Framework.

Comarch will oversee and coordinate the whole project, which entails integrating over 40 IT systems, full system implementation, testing, migration, and roll-out. After go-live, the solution will be hosted in Comarch Data Center in Lille, France. On top of the solution, Comarch will provide managed services, covering a wide range of activities including support and maintenance, bill run, and regular catalog releases.

We were very impressed by Comarch’s highly responsive and flexible attitude, as well as their coverage of our current and future needs – said Werner De Laet, CEO at Orange Luxembourg. Telecom operators that want to stay competitive in today’s market need to deliver top-notch customer experience and provide personalized, data-driven services through all touchpoints. It is also crucial to manage all operational aspects by decreasing the number of incidents, improving response rates, and increasing efficiency through automation focused on added value activities. In partnership with Comarch, we aim to complete a very sizable project that will affect and transform all aspects of our BSS operations, ranging from prepaid charging and credit control to customer information management, mobile network provisioning, and trouble ticketing. Based on what we have seen so far, we are very hopeful and optimistic about the outcomes of the project.

Today, mobile consumers use their phones for all sorts of various daily activities. Modern BSS solutions need to reflect this and offer flexible billing and charging options, easy introduction of products and superior automation – all rooted in a data-centric and customer oriented approach. Orange Luxembourg needed modern IT tools that would allow all of that, at an acceptable cost. We will be performing a complete overhaul of our client’s BSS with 6 products and more than 30 functionalities to be implemented as well as over 40 system integrations planned. This will bring considerable improvements to Orange Luxembourg business processes by decreasing operational costs and boosting customer satisfaction – said Wojciech Pawlus, Managing Director – Benelux at Comarch.

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