“Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.”
Chinese Proverb.
This old proverb is oft quoted – to the point of being clichéd. It describes two ends of a fishing continuum that are used to analogise business situations like coaching and consultancy. Perhaps even OSS consultancy.
But there’s another state in between that isn’t ever mentioned… until today.
It’s the third state – the precision hit, where your consultant brings all the gear, finds the perfect spot, catches the fish, cooks it up with all the secret herbs and spices into the most delectable dish before handing it over to the client who savours every mouthful. The client enjoys a remarkable experience that they’ll remember for years to come and they acknowledge that they could not have reproduced it without the consultant.
Do you know any OSS consultants capable of delivering on this third state on the fishing continuum? Or do you use your OSS consultants / contractors in one or both of the traditional two methods?