Using RPA to automate OSS activities

This is the second in a series about the four styles of RPA (Robotic Process Automation) in OSS.

The first of those styles is automating repeatable tasks by following an algorithmic approach to complete regular, mundane tasks.

Running an OSS has many high value, challenging tasks for operators to perform. Unfortunately, they also have many repetitive, simple (brain-dead?) tasks that need to be done too.

This might include collecting data from various sources and aggregating it into a single file or report for consumption by humans or machines. Other examples include admin clean-up tasks like accounts / tempfiles / processes / sessions and myriad simple process automations.

When we think of OSS automations, we often think of high value but complicated tasks like orchestrations, network self-healing, etc. They can be expensive and inflexible, not always delivering the perceived worth for the investment.

However, when thinking of RPA I think about the simplest stuff first. They are basic and consistent processes that are straightforward to define an algorithm for, making them the “low-hanging fruit” of OSS / RPA activities. They help to build momentum towards the bigger automation fish. Best of all, they free up your talented OSS operators to do more valuable activities.

Automating repeatable tasks is the most basic RPA style. We’ll step up the value chain with each additional style over the next few days.

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