“The only things we spend time and money on are things that we believe are worth more than they cost…
If people aren’t buying your product, it’s not because the price is too high. It’s because we don’t believe you enough, don’t love it enough, don’t care enough.”
Seth Godin on his blog here.
Another quote from Seth Godin. Another fascinating insight (for me at least) in Seth’s simple but alternative perspective on an age-old subject.
The age of digital disruption, choice and the flip from scarcity to abundance has lowered perceived value of most communications services in the eyes of consumers. Combine abundance (of data) with cost reductions per Mb of this data and we can clearly see why the profitability of delivering data services is shrinking. This is leading to a rise in differentiation strategies such as experience marketing.
To quote Chris Yeadon & Linda Austin’s interesting article on experience marketing, “The challenges for operators are firstly to identify the value components that make up a consumer’s experience, and secondly, to understand the level of value the consumer places on each individual chargeable component. Does the consumer value it enough to pay more? Do they value it enough to choose the operator’s offering rather than a competitor’s?
Once value components are identified and sufficiently understood, operators can offer differentiated connectivity that delivers a compelling, relevant experience they can monetize.”
They also indicate that, “Operators are in the best position to deliver this experience. Through their core networks and policy control, OSS/BSS, CRM and analytics systems.”
So this poses the question – If your OSS can help to identify the high-value components of customer experiences and can deliver improved profitability to CSPs, do you think that your OSS in turn would be valued more highly and cause people to care more about it?
The scarcity to abundance flip is leading to a change in KPI too. It’s no longer QoS (Quality of Service) but QoE (Quality of Experience) that matters. Are we measuring the wrong things?