“People in a tough spot often focus on their own problems, when the answer usually lies in fixing someone else’s.”
Steve Schwarzman.
The telco industry is in a tough spot in many areas around the globe. Sadly, there were more stories of wholesale retrenchments here in Australia this week, including good friends. Revenues falling. Sentiment bleak.
Yet it’s not like most declining industries. Telecom services and remote communications are more in demand than ever before. It’s just that the dynamic has flipped. Previously there was a scarcity mindset around telco services. Now there’s an abundance (in many parts of the world). Connectivity is less of a problem now. Customers have stepped up the hierarchy of needs.
Maybe as industries, telco and OSS, we’re focusing on our own problems? The O in OSS, Operations, can trigger an inward-facing viewpoint (and retrenchments only exacerbate internalisation).
5G isn’t the solution if we’re just looking at it as a new, better model of connectivity. It might be if it can make us better at solving other people’s problems. I suspect OSS will have a big part to play in generating those solutions (or stymieing them!).