Here’s a little cheat-sheet for NFV (Network Function Virtualisation) if you’re suffering DBA (Death By Acronym). I hope you find it useful.
The right-most columns refer to the NFV document that each acronym was sourced from, whereby the following links take you to those documents:
NFV-001 and NFV-MAN001.
Acronym | Description | NFV-002 | NFV-MAN001 |
ADC | Application Delivery Controller | . | Y |
API | Application Programming Interface | . | Y |
BRAS | Broadband Remote Access Server | . | Y |
BSS | Business Support System | Y | Y |
CDN | Content Delivery Network | Y | . |
CMS | Cloud Management System | Y | Y |
COTS | Commercial-Off-The-Shelf | Y | . |
CPE | Customer Premise Equipment | . | Y |
CPU | Central Processing Unit | . | Y |
DHCP | Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol | Y | . |
DSL | Digital Subscriber Line | . | Y |
DSLAM | DSL Access Multiplexer | . | Y |
E2E | End-to-end | Y | Y |
EM | Element Management | . | Y |
EMS | Element Management System | Y | Y |
EPC | Evolved Packet Core | Y | . |
FCAPS | Fault Management, Configuration Management, Accounting Management, Performance Management and Security Management | . | Y |
GB | Gigabyte | . | Y |
GW | Gateway | Y | . |
ID | Identifier | . | Y |
IMS | IP Multimedia System | . | Y |
IP | Internet Protocol | . | Y |
ISG | Industry Specification Group | . | Y |
IT | Information Technology | Y | . |
KPI | Key Performance Indicator | . | Y |
KQI | Key Quality Indicator | . | Y |
KVM | Kernel Virtual Machine | . | Y |
LAN | Local Area Network | Y | Y |
MAC | Media Access Control | . | Y |
MME | Mobility Management Entity | Y | . |
MPLS | Multi-Protocol Label Switching | . | Y |
MRB | Media Resource Broker | . | Y |
MRF | Media Resource Function | . | Y |
NAS | Network Attached Storage | Y | . |
NAT | Network Address Translation | Y | . |
NCT | Network Connection Topology | . | Y |
NF | Network Function | Y | Y |
NFP | Network Forwarding Path | . | Y |
NFV | Network Function Virtualisation | Y | Y |
NFVI | NFV Infrastructure | Y | Y |
NFVI-PoP | NFVI Point of Presence | Y | Y |
NFV-MANO | NFV Management and Orchestration | . | Y |
NFVO | Network Functions Virtualisation Orchestrator | . | Y |
NIC | Network Interface Card | . | Y |
NMS | Network Management System | Y | Y |
N-PoP | Network Point of Presence | . | Y |
NS | Network Service | . | Y |
NSD | Network Service Descriptor | . | Y |
NSR | Network Service Record | . | Y |
OS | Operating System | Y | . |
OSS | Operations Support System | Y | Y |
PCI | Peripheral Component Interconnect | . | Y |
PGW | Packet Gateway | Y | . |
PNF | Physical Network Function | Y | Y |
PNFD | Physical Network Function Descriptor | . | Y |
PNFR | Physical Network Function Record | . | Y |
QoS | Quality of Service | . | Y |
RAM | Random Access Memory | . | Y |
RCA | Root Cause Analysis | . | Y |
RGW | Residential Gateway | Y | . |
RTT | Round Trip Time | . | Y |
SDO | Standards Development Organisation | Y | . |
SGW | Serving Gateway | Y | . |
VDU | Virtualisation Deployment Unit | . | Y |
VEPA | Virtual Ethernet Port Aggregator | . | Y |
vEPC | Virtual Evolved Packet Core | . | Y |
VIM | Virtualised Infrastructure Manager | . | Y |
VL | Virtual Link | . | Y |
VLAN | Virtual Local Area Network | Y | Y |
VLD | Virtual Link Descriptor | . | Y |
VLR | Virtual Link Record | . | Y |
VM | Virtual Machine | . | Y |
VNF | Virtualised Network Function | . | Y |
VNFD | Virtualised Network Function Descriptor | . | Y |
VNF-FG | VNF Forwarding Graph | Y | . |
VNFFG | VNF Forwarding Graph | . | Y |
VNFFGD | VNFFG Descriptor | . | Y |
VNFFGR | VNFFG Record | . | Y |
VNFM | VNF Manager | . | Y |
VNFR | VNF Record | . | Y |
vPGW | Virtual Packet Gateway | . | Y |
VPLS | Virtual Private LAN Service | Y | . |
VPN | Virtual Private Network | . | Y |
vSGW | Virtual Signalling Gateway | . | Y |
VXLAN | Virtual eXtensible LAN | . | Y |
WAN | Wide Area Network | . | Y |
WIM | WAN Infrastructure Manager | . | Y |