“User experience is everything. It always has been, but it’s undervalued and underinvested in. If you don’t know user-centered design, study it. Hire people who know it. Obsess over it. Live and breathe it. Get your whole company on board.”
Evan Williams, Co-Founder, Twitter.
Question for you all. Is user-centred design under-invested in within the OSS industry?
I’ve seen good and bad GUIs. Good and bad user experiences. Developers who are more adept at it than others.
But I can’t recall ever hearing of any vendor that has designers on-board whose sole role is to obsess over the user experience. To live it and breathe it.
Have you?
2 Responses
G’day Ryan,
B/OSS UI design – “the story of my life for the last five months”!
Hi Evan
Got any great tips to share from all that you’ve learnt over those 5 months?