In Monday’s article, we suggested that the three technical factors that could get the big boss fired are probably only limited to:
- Repeated and/or catastrophic failure (of network, systems, etc)
- Inability to serve the market (eg offerings, capacity, etc)
- Inability to operate network assets profitably
In that article, we looked closely at a human factor and how current trends of open-source, Agile and microservices might actually exacerbate it. In yesterday’s article we looked at market-serving factors for us to investigate and monitor.
But let’s look at point 3 today. The profitability factors we could consider that reduce the chances of the big boss getting fired are:
Ability to see revenues in near-real-time (revenues are relatively easy to collect, so we use these numbers a lot. Much harder are profitability measures because of the shared allocation of fixed costs)
Ability to see cost breakdown (particularly which parts of the technical solution are most costly, such as what device types / topologies are failing most often)
Ability to measure profitability by product type, customer, etc
Are there more profitable or cost-effective solutions available
- Is there greater profitability that could be unlocked by simplification