Do you wish more people fell in love with your OSS?

I’d hazard a guess that everyone reading this would admit to being a techie at some level. And being a techie, I’d also imagine that you have blatant tech-love for certain products – gadgets, apps, sites, whatever.

But, let me ask you, are there any OSS products on your love-interest list?

If yes, leave me a comment of “yes” and name of the product below.
If no, leave me a comment of “no” below.

I’m really interested and intrigued to see your answer.

There’s probably only one OSS that I’ve ever had a tech-crush on (but it’s no longer available on the market). It definitely wasn’t love at first sight. If I’m honest, it was probably the opposite. It was a love that took a long time to build. It had some cool modules, but generally it was a bit clunky. The real attraction was that the power and elegance of its data model allowed me to do almost anything with it. To build almost anything with it. To answer almost any business / network / operation question that I could dream up.

I wonder whether the same is true of your other tech-loves? Do they provide the platform for us to create/achieve things that we never dreamed we’d be able to?

If that’s true, I wonder then whether that’s one key to solving the header question?

I wonder whether the other key (the second authentication factor) is in the speed that a user can achieve the necessary level of expertise? Few users ever have the luxury that I had, spending every day for years, to establish the required expertise to make that OSS excel.

As Seth Godin says, “Make things better by making better things.”

PS. If you were kind enough to leave a Yes or No comment below, I’d also love to hear why in an additional comment.

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