Value doesn’t equal price

[Guy]Kawasaki told the audience that this was one of the most important learnings from Jobs: “Price is something you pay on the first day, but value is the sum total of the experience.”.
Max Nyman
on the Comptel blog.

I recently assisted a customer through a vendor selection process as they migrated away from their home-grown network management system to a new vendor-supplied OSS.

The selected vendor was a clear winner on many aspects of the evaluation but it has been their actions since winning the contract that has demonstrated that they understand the difference between value and price for this particular customer.

The customer was struggling to evolve their operational processes to the new, vastly different solution. The vendor and customer were both able to see that without additional support, there was a risk that the project may not be seen to be successful by the customer’s executives.

The vendor decided to leave one of their implementation team on-site for many months after handover at no extra cost to help the customer to evolve to a new way of operating. This value-add is costing the vendor but is strengthening the long-term relationship with their customer

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