How is OSS/BSS service and resource availability supposed to work?

The brilliant question above was asked by a contact who is about to embark on a large OSS/BSS transformation.  That’s certainly a challenging question to start the new year with!!

The following was provided for a little more context:

  • We have a manually maintained table for each address where we can store which services are available—ie. DSL up to 5 Mbps or Fiber Data 300 Mbps

  • This manual information has no data-level connection to the actual plant used to serve the address 

  • In a “perfect world”, how does this work?

  • Where is the data stored? Ex: Does a geospatial network inventory store this data, then the BSS requests it as needed?

  • How does a typical OSS tie together physical network and equipment to products and offerings?

  • How is it typically stored? How is it accessed?

  • Sort of related to the address, we have “Facility” records that include things like the Electronics (Card, slot, port, shelf, etc) and some important “hops” along the way 

  • Right now if a tech makes changes to physical plant, we have to manually update our mapping (if the path changes), spreadsheets (if fiber assignment changes) or paper records (if copper pair assignments change).. additionally, we might need to update the Facilities database

  • It doesn’t “use” it’s “awareness” of our plant or network equipment to do anything except during service orders where certain products are tied to provisioning features—ie. callerID billing code being on an order causes a command to be issued to the switch to add that feature.

  • There is no visibility into network status.. how does this normally work?

  • I feel like I’m missing a fundamental reference point because I’ve never seen an actual working example of “Orders down, faults up”, just manually maintained records that sort of single-directionally “integrate” to network devices but only in the context of what was ordered, not in the context of what is available and what the real-time status is.

Wow! Where do we start? Certainly not an easy or obvious question by any means. In fact it’s one of the trickier of all OSS/BSS challenges.

In the old days of OSS/BSS, services tended to be circuit-oriented and there was a direct allocation of logical / physical resources to each customer service. You received an order, you created a “customer circuit” for the order, you reserved suitable / available resources in your inventory to assign to the circuit, then issued work order activities to implement the circuit. When the work order activities were complete, the circuit was ready for service.

The utilised resources in your inventory system/s were tagged with the circuit ID or service ID and therefore not available to other services. This association also allowed Service Impact Analysis (SIA) to be performed. In the background, you had to reconcile the real resources available in the network with what was being shown in your inventory solution. Relationships were traceable down through all layers of the TMN stack (as below). Status of the resources (eg a Network Element had failed) could also be associated to the inventory solution because alarms / events had linking keys to all the devices, cards, ports, logical ports, etc in inventory .

To an extent, it’s still possible to do this for the access/edge of the network. For example, from the Customer Premises Equipment (CPE) / Network Termination Device (NTD) to the telco’s access device (eg DSLAM or similar). But from that point deeper into the core of the telco network, it’s usually a dynamic allocation of resources (eg packet-switched, routed signal paths).

With modern virtualised and packet-switched networks, dynamic allocation makes its harder to directly associate actual resources with customer services at any point in time. See this earlier post for more detail on the diagram below.

Instead, we now just ask the OSS to push orders into the virtualisation cloud and expect the virtualisation managers to ensure reliable availability of resources. We’ve lost visibility inside the cloud.

So this poses the question about whether we even need visibility now. There are three main states to consider:

  1. At Service Initiation – What resources are available to assign to a service? As long as capacity planning is doing its job and keeping the available resource pool full, we just assume there will be sufficient resource and let the virtualisation manager do its thing
  2. After Service is Commissioned – What resources are assigned to the service at the current point in time? If the virtualisation manager and network are doing their highly available, highly resilient thing, then do we want to know?
  3. During an Outage – What services are impacted by resources that are degraded or not available? As operators, we definitely want to know what needs to be fixed and which customers need to be alerted.

So, let’s now get into a more “modern orchestration and abstraction” approach to associating customer services with resources. I’ve seen it done many different ways but let’s use the diagram below as a reference point (you might have to view in expanded form):

CFS RFS orchestration

 Here are a few thoughts that might help:

  • As mentioned by the contact, “orders down, faults up,” is a mindset I tend to start with too. Unfortunately, data flows often have to be custom-designed as they’re constrained by the available systems, organisation structures, data quality improvement models, preferred orchestration model, etc
  • You may have heard of CFS (Customer Facing Service) and RFS (Resource Facing Service) constructs? They’re building blocks that are often used by operators to design product offerings for customers (and then design the IT systems that support them). They’re shown as blue ovals as they’re defined in the Service Catalog (CFS shown as north-facing and RFS as south-facing)
  • CFS are services tied to a product/offering. RFS are services linked with resources
  • To simplify, I think of CFS like a customer order form (ie what fields and options are available for the customer) and RFS being the technical interfaces to the network (eg APIs into the Domain Managers and possibly NMS/EMS/VIM)
  • Examples of CFS might be VPN, Internet Access, Transport, Security, Mobility, Video, etc
    Examples of RFS might be DSL, DOCSIS, BGP (border gateway protocol), DNS, etc
    See conceptual model from Oracle here:
  • Now, let’s think of how to create this model in two halves:
      • One is design-time – that’s where you design the CFS and/or RFS service definitions, as well as designing the orchestration plan (OP) (aka provisioning plan). The OP is the workflow of activities required to activate a CFS type. This could be as simple as one CFS consuming an RFS stub with a few basic parameters mapped (eg CallingID). Others can be very complex flows if there are multiple service variants and additional data that needs to be gathered from East-West systems (eg request for next available patch-port from physical network inventory [PNI]). Some of the orchestration steps might be automated / system-driven, whilst others might be manual work order activities that need to be done by field workforce.
        Note that the “Logging and Test” box at the left is just to test your design-time configurations prior to processing a full run-time order
      • The other is run-time – that’s where the Orchestrator runs the OP to drive instance-by-instance implementation of a service (including consumption of actual resources). That is, an instantiation of one customer order through the orchestration workflow you created during design-time 
  • A CFS can map parameters from one or more RFS (there can even be hierarchical consumption of multiple RFS and CFS in some situations, but that will just confuse the situation)
  • You can also loosely think of CFS as being part of the BSS and RFS as being part of the OSS, with the service orchestration usually being a grey area in the middle
  • Now to the question about where is the data stored:
    • Design-time – CFS building block constructs are generally stored in a BSS or service catalog. Orchestration plans are often also part of modern catalogs, but could also fall within your BSS or OSS depending on your specific stack
    • Run-time (ie for each individual order) – The customer order details (eg speeds, configurations, etc) are generally stored in “the BSS.” The orchestration plan for each order then drives data flows. This is where things get very specific to individual stacks. The OP can request resource availability via east-west systems (eg inventory [LNI or PNI], DNS, address databases, WFM, billing code database, etc, etc, etc) and/or to southbound interfaces (eg NMS/EMS/Infrastructure-Manager APIs) to gather whatever information is required
    • Distributed or Centralised data – There’s no specific place where all data is collected. Some of the systems (eg PNI/LNI) above will have their own data repositories, whilst others will pull from a centralised data store or the network or other infrastructure via NMS/EMS/VIM
    • Data master – in theory the network (eg NMS/EMS/NE) should be the most accurate store of information, hence the best place to get data from (and your best visibility of current state of the network). Unfortunately, the NMS/EMS/NE often won’t have all the info you need to drive the orchestration plan. For example, if you don’t already have a cable to the requesting customer’s address, then the orchestration plan will have to include an action/s for a designer to use PNI/geospatial data to find the nearest infrastructure (eg joint/pedestal) to run a new cable from, then go through all the physical build activities, before sending the required data back to the orchestration plan. Since the physical network (eg cables, joints, etc) almost never has a programmatic interface, it will require manual effort and manual data entry. Alternatively, the NMS/EMS/VIM might not be able to tell us exactly what resource the service is consuming at any point in time
    • For Specific product offerings – There are so many different possibilities here that it’s hard to answer all the possible data flows / models. The orchestration plan within the Business Orchestration (aka Cross-domain Orchestration) layer is responsible for driving flows. It may have to perform service provisioning, network orchestration and infrastructure control. 

This is far less concise than I hoped. 

If you have a simpler way of answering the question and/or can point us to a better description, we’d love to hear from you!

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16 Responses

  1. Great post, Ryan – very comprehensive. The answer to your contact’s transformation questions will also depend on what’s most important *to them*. Automated provisioning is a fair goal, but if it’s one new service a week, maybe not so critical. Equally, if network reliability is an issue due to geography, service assurance might be more of a priority. It’s important that projects to transform OSS identify the particular outcomes that are most valuable to an individual operator, and use that to drive the priority, sequence and even architecture of a transformed OSS. Lots of options to choose from – is clear your experience should be of value to this contact!

  2. Thanks Robert,
    To be honest, I’m still thinking hard about how to explain this more elegantly than current!
    You’ve hit the nail on the head about figuring out what’s most important to solve and whether customer service volumes warrant a full-blown orchestration solution! Those considerations are definitely in the mix!
    I really appreciate your constructive feedback Robert!

  3. Excellent post Ryan. Working with Catalog (Product, Service/Technical and Resource) Transformation Projects. I use TMF’s model for Products – Offers, Products, CFSS (Specification), RFSS (Specification), Resources and Elements. When I started with Telecommunications the “orders down” an “faults up” was used to explain the BSS / OSS (or BOSS) stack.

    A very good summary. Thanks for posting.

    VBR/ Wallis Dudhnath

  4. Thanks Wallis.
    And thanks very much for elaborating around the TMF models. Very helpful!

  5. Dear Ryan. Your posts are extremely knowledge imparting. Thanks!

    I have a query regarding an ask from a customer to perform Resource Order Management functions within the Service Order Management (SOM) system that is being stood up. My take is that the SOM system in not the right place to perform the end-to-end plan and build of a network to support orders that require build to service the customer. An example below:
    – The customer has placed an order to connect two sites with a DWDM service
    – It is discovered in the Service Delivery phase (in the SOM system) that a build is required to deliver the DWDM service to the customer at site A.
    – Hence, it must trigger a plan and build workflow to deliver this service.
    – The technicians are dispatched for service activation and testing once the configurations are completed in the Plan and Build workflow.

    Can I have your say whether the Plan and Build must be orchestrated and modelled in the Service Order Management system?

    Pramid Dave
    Tata Consultancy Services

  6. Hi Pramid,

    Great question.
    I’m not sure that I have a perfectly black and white answer unfortunately.

    I mostly agree with your statement as the orchestration would tend to be done above the SOM. However, I expect that some vendor products possibly do things differently and do use SOM for orchestration activities too.

    eg Orchestration can be performed in SOM in complex order management if we are performing the function as part of service provisioning requirement. As far as the design and implementation plan function (plan and build) is concerned it would almost definitely require support from resource inventory (or other “East-West” systems) so some activities would be performed there .

  7. Thanks Ryan. Following up on this.

    Can you please guide what TM Forum suggests when we talk about Resource Order Management (ROM)? What are the activities that must be performed as part of ROM? Also can I say that ROM is a part of the larger Plan and Build business processes?

  8. Thanks Ryan. Seems, my last reply failed to post. Another scenario described below to be 100% sure we are on the same page.

    – Service Delivery is in progress for an FTTH broadband over GPON to a customer address. Service delivery is orchestrated and managed in a catalog driven SOM system.
    – During delivery it is discovered that no splitter ports are available to serve the customer
    – A fallout is created and the respective system is notified to make splitter to be setup
    – The fallout must be resolved and notified back to the SOM to continue with service delivery

    The plan and build (planning, activity scheduling, funds authorization, procurement, build, test and configuration) of the splitter must ideally not be performed in the SOM system as we agree. Do you think all or any of these plan and build activities can/must be orchestrated in the SOM system given that it is a catalog driven system to orchestrate the service order. If yes, how do we define the CFS and RFS in the catalog to ensure these can be taken care of?


  9. Hi Pramid,

    Ha!! When it comes to OSS/BSS, there’s no way to be 100% on the same page. We all do things differently and all have different product stacks that mean implementations are all different. 😀

    I’d generally treat the splitter port shortfall as an Engineering Work Order that most likely won’t be triggered by SOM. More likely to be from a network / domain orchestration to manage resource capacity uplift. The customer service order (FTTH over GPON) will likely just have a network install delay / hold awaiting capacity (ie extra splitter / ports).
    Would love to get your perspective Pramid. How do you think this is best handled within the stack you’re working on?

  10. Thanks for your inputs Ryan. I agree with you that the engineering project (plan and build) cannot be handled within SOM.

    The only difference is that the customer is expecting the plan and build to be triggered, orchestrated and tracked in SOM as systems consolidations is on the customer’s roadmap. The customer’s perspective is that it can be done in the current SOM system as it is only a workflow which any SOM can perform. Also, the customer understands that this activity falls under Resource Order Management and hence can be handled in the SOM system.

    Other than this not being a standard industry practice, I am trying to find out other reasons for the customer to not tread this path.

  11. Hi Pramid,

    Ah, yes, I can see where the customer’s thinking is at. It’s going back quite a few years but I’m pretty sure I have used a SOM-like orchestration engine to automatically kick off a secondary resource uplift workflow (processed in the same orchestration engine as we only had one that had to serve many purposes including discovery, provisioning, traffic engineering, SLA threshold crossing actions and more). I can’t quite remember if the resource uplift process was then automatically linked back as a dependency on delivery of the order being completed in the SOM. I think it was. Fun times! We had lots of interesting branching designed into our workflows with a combination of manual and auto actions.

  12. Hi Ryan,

    It seems you did it years ago because of the limitations of the tools that were available at your disposal. Thanks for your all your assistance Ryan!

  13. Hi Ryan,

    Hope you have been doing well. I have come across another interesting use-case while implementing an OSS transformation for a customer. And I think your knowledge will come handy to comment on this. The use case described below.

    “The telco (our customer) expects to implement a technology agnostic solution. In doing so, the customer expects that the access technology (GPON, Copper, Satellite, MW, etc.) selection must be done in the Service Order Management (SOM) layer or the OSS layer and not in the BSS layer. Example: The end customer places a request for a 10 Mbps broadband service. The BSS sends the request as a plain broadband service to the OSS. The OSS in its orchestration of the service request must decide the access technology over which I will be providing the 10 Meg broadband service to the customer.”

    In my view it must be decided in the BSS layer because a feasibility must be performed for the same and it must decide a specific technology. I would like to know your views if you have seen such an implementation or whether it is a good decision to decide the access technology in the OSS layer.

    Thanks in advance Ryan.


  14. Hi Pramid,

    I’ve sent you a separate email with some diagrams and notes.


  15. 1!Thanks Ameenuddin! Is it an area you’re actively involved with too?

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