OSS broadens its net – part 4

And God said, ‘Let there be light’ and there was light, but the Electricity Board said He would have to wait until Thursday to be connected.”
Spike Milligan.

Over the past few days, we have spoken about the different industries that have been, or could benefit from the introduction of OSS.

Utilities companies (electricity, water, rail) tend to have extensive communications networks to manage their core infrastructure.

De-regulation in some countries in recent years has even opened up the opportunity for these traditional utilities to become multi-utility companies. This allowed them to open up their infrastructure to external subscribers rather than just use their communications assets for internal use.

Subscriber management means an increased importance of end-to-end visibility of customer trails through a utility’s multiple network platforms. This introduces the need for adding B/OSS features into the utility’s network management road-map, where previously they may have managed to operate from their various vendor-specific network sub-sections.

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